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Levelling The Education Playing Field: Dan Pearson USP College CEO Shares Insights

Sep 3, 2024 2:01:00 PM

Dan Pearson CEO USP College

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In today's world, the need for equal access to quality education has never been more apparent. The new Government's dedication to dismantling barriers to opportunity resonates deeply. One of their key objectives includes transforming our childcare and education systems to eliminate any barriers that may limit the aspirations of young individuals in Britain - a crucial and impactful initiative. It addresses the structural inequalities that have long hindered the aspirations and achievements of countless students across the nation.

Having spent more than two decades in the education sector, my current role as Chief Executive Officer at USP College has allowed me to also work as an advisor to I-Immersive and its connected network. Partnering with I-Immersive has played a key role in spearheading the development of the first connected immersive classroom, paving the way for the expansion of additional connected spaces over the years and driving the digital transformation that we are incredibly proud of today. This collaboration has provided me with invaluable knowledge and experiences. Together we further strengthen our commitment to transformative educational initiatives.

The Challenge: Shortage of Skilled teachers and Resources

The challenges facing our education system are multifaceted. The sector has many great passionate innovative teachers, however there are simply not enough even distributed teachers and resources in many parts of the country, particularly in rural or economically disadvantaged areas students are often deprived of the same access to education that their peers in more affluent regions enjoy. This disparity isn't just a matter of funding—it's about access to specialist knowledge, innovative teaching methods, and the opportunity to be inspired by educators who are leaders in their fields.

Our Mission: Ensure Every Student has Equitable Access to High-Quality Education

At the heart of this mission lies a simple but profound truth: education is the great leveller. Yet, for too many young people, their postcode still determines the quality of education they receive. This is where immersive technology, and specifically our connected immersive rooms, can play a pivotal role in bridging the gap. The vision at I-Immersive is to ensure that every student, regardless of where they live, has access to the best teachers and the most innovative learning experiences.

Portals to Opportunity 

The ClassView Platform allows us to connect our immersive rooms, students and teachers across geographical boundaries, breaking down the barriers that have traditionally confined education to the limitations of location. These connected immersive rooms are more than just spaces—they are portals to opportunity. By leveraging advanced technologies like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), we create an environment where students can engage with subjects in a way that is both deeply interactive and profoundly impactful. But beyond the technology itself, it is the network—the connective tissue that links these rooms across the country—that truly revolutionises the learning experience.

USP College Levelling the Playing Field with ClassView Connected Classroom Spaces
In 2019, USP College collaborated with I-Immersive to launch the connected immersive classroom concept across all campuses, promoting peer and collaborative learning. This initiative included the installation of the first Immersive Classroom, connecting students across campuses and facilitating collaborative work. Following this success, the College expanded its immersive infrastructure by installing twenty-five smaller Immersive Classrooms to support live-streaming rooms during Covid.
The innovative XTEND Digital Campus launched in 2021, focusing on augmented reality, virtual reality, extended reality, and immersive education, providing students with cutting-edge technology and industry expertise.

USP College were proud to announce that after a recent Ofsted inspection, the College has been rated Good overall with areas rated Strong and Outstanding. The fantastic facilities coupled with the use of VR technology and connected immersive classrooms gives students the technical, digital and transferable skills they need to kick-start their future careers. By embracing this interconnected approach, we can continue to address the challenges of teacher shortages and geographic limitations. 

ClassView Connected Network: Ensuring Equal Access to Expertise

One of the most significant benefits of this network is its ability to bring the best educators to every corner of the country. A student in a small town in the North of England can now have the same access to a top-tier maths teacher as a student in central London. A rural college with a shortage of specialist teachers can draw upon the resources and expertise of the entire network, ensuring that no student is left behind simply because of where they live.

Moreover, the connected immersive network allows for the sharing of specialised skills that might otherwise be inaccessible in certain regions. For instance, students interested in cutting-edge fields like renewable energy, artificial intelligence, or advanced engineering can be connected with experts who might be based hundreds of miles away. This ensures that every student, no matter their location, can pursue their ambitions without limitations. 

The connected network is growing and there is an appetite from college groups who have a larger community and widely distributed campus estate to serve, such as East Kent Group, Eastern College Group, United College Group, and the award winning XR lab at West Suffolk College.

The recently completed innovative project with Local London Skills Providers, is a leading example of this collaborative approach. Local London Skills Providers are a partnership of 22 skills providers, led by London South East Colleges (LSEC). Together they aim to drive industry relevant Green and Digital skills, providing crucial skills in the local communities – representing 2.6 million residents and 100,000 businesses, ensuring they have the skills and knowledge they need to secure jobs, recruit talented employees, and generally thrive.  

Over the past year, I-Immersive worked with Local London Skills Providers to design, and install connected immersive spaces across 22 learning provider partners; from sixth form, adult learning, further and higher education institutions, such as New City College, Newham College and specialist training providers such as Quantum Group

The connected network also supports and supports colleges of all sizes to foster collaborative learning, including institutions such as Eastleigh College, North East Surrey College of Institute of Technology, Bradford College, West London College, HRUC, West London College.

Connecting The Vision to the Future

The current drive to reform education is more than just policy—it is about creating a future where every young person has the chance to reach their full potential. By integrating immersive rooms into the education system, we are taking a significant step towards realising this vision. Together we provide a practical solution to the challenge of educational inequality. We are committed to working alongside educators, policymakers, and communities to ensure that every student can access the opportunities they deserve. Together, we can dismantle the class ceiling and build an education system that truly works for everyone.

As we look to the future, it is clear that the landscape of education is changing. We want to continue to break down barriers and create new learning opportunities by embracing new technologies and innovative solutions that can transform how we educate the next generation.

Collaborating with I-Immersive, USP are positioned to play a pivotal role in driving this transformative change. We believe that by ensuring equal access to the best teachers and resources, can help create a Britain where every young person's ambitions are within reach, regardless of their background or location.

Let’s work together to build an education system that offers every student the opportunity to succeed—a system that breaks down barriers and opens doors to a brighter future.


Contact I-Immersive for further information about the ClassView connected spaces and network.

Get in touch


Further Resources

USP College XTEND Digital Campus 

USP College: Celebrating 5 years of Collaborative Immersive Learning 

I-Immersive's ClassView Connecting Minds Project: The Wood Wide Web of Education 

Jisc Blog: College offers a clear pathway into high-end careers 


About the Author: Dan Pearson Chief Executive Officer (CEO) USP College


"I have worked in education for over 25 years, with the last decade of my experience being in senior leadership roles. I gained my Strategic Leadership qualification from the University of Oxford. I am passionate about immersive learning and using AR, VR, and XR platforms to transform educational content for learners. I pride myself on my creative and innovative approach to driving improvement in educational quality and outcomes.  As a Chief Executive Officer, I believe that incorporating immersive learning technologies can greatly enhance the learning experience for students and help them better understand complex topics."


  • XTEND_Digital_Campus_Immersive ultra at USP

    ClassView Immersive Ultra space based at XTEND Digital Campus at USP College.

  • Bradford College Immersive Classroom
    Connected Immersive Classroom at Bradford College delivering ESOL sustainability session. 
  • West_London_College_students_immersive_classroom
    Students join the launch of ClassView connected  spaces across West London College campuses. 
  • Harlow_college_immersive_ classroom
    Harlow College ClassView connected immersive spaces.
  • USP_college_immersive_classroom_VR_session
    ClassView immersive connected spaces delivering VR session at USP College.
  • ESOL_meta_learning_ jobs
    ESOL team at Bradford College delivering a Metaverse Learning session gaining interview skills, live from their connected immersive classroom space.
  • London_Skills_Providers_connected_space_LSEC
    ClassView immersive connected space at LSEC 



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